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AI models could collapse if trained on their own materials, study shows

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Artificial intelligence models could “collapse” within just a few generations if trained on data they generate themselves. A new study in Nature modeled what happens to several different kinds of AI, including large language models like those underpinning ChatGPT, if they run out of human-produced information and start training on data they make themselves.

Researchers found that models degenerate fast, losing their original abilities and triggering a “cascading effect” of compounding errors. As more of the internet becomes AI-generated material that is then fed back into the models, there could be a tipping point where online content becomes “poisoned,” the researchers warned, and it becomes harder or even impossible to access real, original information.

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1 day ago
I thought we were going to have to fight off the robots using motorcycle tanks and laser guns. Turns out we just need to trick them into reading Sports Illustrated.
Washington, District of Columbia
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Why Erdogan Is Going After Turkey’s Stray Dogs

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Turkey’s four million stray dogs are inseparable from the idea of the country itself. But maybe not for much longer.
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1 day ago
I can't help but note the parallels to the way that Erdogan treats inconvenient ethnic groups.
Washington, District of Columbia
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Cuba's economic crisis triggers mass exodus

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More than 10% of Cuba’s population left the island nation between 2022 and 2023, prompted by a severe economic downturn and a widening government crackdown.

Despite allowing the creation of private businesses for the first time in decades, the country’s state-run economy has collapsed as growth in Venezuela and Russia, on which Cuba relies, has slowed in recent years.

But Cuban migrants are faced with host nations that are increasingly hostile to migration: Both Europe and North America have tightened their restrictions on foreign labor, even as they depend on workers to fill shortages, a move that could prove “immensely damaging to [their] economies,” The Economist argued.

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2 days ago
10%?!? That's 5 times the 1959 exodus. That's 8 times the 1980 exodus. That's national suicide.
Washington, District of Columbia
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With Air Conditioners, Bigger Could Actually Be Worse

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When I started looking into potential new window air conditioner recommendations for 2024, not much was actually newjust larger versions of ACs I’d already tested.

This is obviously a good thing for people with larger rooms. But it also got me thinking.

Conventional wisdom with traditional (non-inverter) window ACs holds that too-small units underperform. An oversize AC might cool the room down faster, but it can also waste a lot of energy and leave the air feeling cold, damp, and clammy.

Now that the best window air conditioners mostly use inverter compressors, which vary their speed and power output, I wondered if it might be advantageous to get an oversize unit for the space. You’d have low energy consumption most of the time and some oomph when you really want the extra British thermal units (Btu) to crank out a powerful icy blast.

But after measuring the performance of two sizes of ACs (in both traditional and inverter formats, in a single room with consistent starting conditions this summer), I can tell you: Oversizing your AC is still a terrible idea.

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3 days ago
Washington, District of Columbia
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Reality Show Contestant Apologizes After Eating Protected Bird in New Zealand

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A contestant on the reality show “Race to Survive: New Zealand” killed and ate a weka during filming. The contestant, who said he was hungry, has apologized for “disrespecting New Zealand.”

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3 days ago
The blame lies with the producers, as it almost always does on "reality" shows.
Washington, District of Columbia
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President Venn Diagram

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Hard to imagine political rhetoric more microtargeted at me than 'I love Venn diagrams. I really do, I love Venn diagrams. It's just something about those three circles.'
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3 days ago
3 days ago
Washington, District of Columbia
4 days ago
Washington, DC
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2 public comments
3 days ago
Mickey Mouse for president? This classic diagram looks more like Mickey, oh I'm sorry, Minnie Mouse!
3 days ago
I love that this is a fact about our future president.
Greenlawn, NY
3 days ago
It's possible, but seems unlikely. At least in the 2024 election.
3 days ago
You really think Randall is going to be our future president? Are yard signs available yet? I'll take twenty.
3 days ago
Let's make it happen!
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